Sunday, August 23, 2009

Your First Deck

In a mini-celebration of my Twitter question being selected as a bonus question for GP Bangkok's coverage, I decided to ask the same thing on my blog. What was the first deck you ever built yourself? Leave your answer in the comments: I'm sure we all have some cool stories to share!

1 comment:

  1. My first deck was a G Saproling deck. It was a really heavily modified Mono-Green Snakes precon from Kamigawa. I played with snakes before Ravnica came out, and then I decided that I liked Scatter the Seeds, and so I grabbed four of those for my deck, then I grabbed some other token generators, and with all those tokens I decided to play Overrun, and then I had an Overrun deck.

    The first deck I truly built myself from scratch was a Kithkin deck which I built an hour before Arena after losing my Saproling deck. It did so well that I entered FNM with it the next week and made 3rd place. That deck holds a special place in my heart, as it's what catapulted me to the tournament level.


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