Welcome back to Magic: The Blogging! People have expressed interest in the tournament reports, so I'm bringing them back. I didn't draft today, but I did have some interesting games.
2 weeks beforehand, my teammate Jeremy lost the GSS Jund list I was playing, so I had to make a new deck. Here's what I made, totally off the cuff, with the thirty dollars + trades available (and I had Maelstrom Pulse already)
Lands (24)
4 Savage Lands
4 Vivid Crag
3 Vivid Marsh
2 Crumbling Necropolis
2 Fire-Lit Thicket
2 Graven Cairns
2 Jungle Shrine
2 Twilight Mire
1 Forest
1 Mountain
1 Swamp
Creatures (17)
4 Anathemancer
4 Bloodbraid Elf
1 Boggart Ram-Gang (lack of card availability)
3 Kitchen Finks (lack of card availability)
4 Putrid Leech
1 Vithian Renegades
4 Bituminous Blast
4 Jund Charm
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Maelstrom Pulse
4 Sign in Blood
I didn't have time to build a sideboard, so I was going to have to play pretty tightly. Round One loomed.
Round 1 vs. Elf Combo / Synergy
I mulligan to 6, and he mulligans to 3. Ouch. He plays a Llanowar Elves, and I play Lightning Bolt. Normally I wouldn't, but I'm taking the chance he's stuck on one. He is. I play Sign in Blood. (18) We play Land-Go (Go for him, no lands) and then I play Bloodbraid Elf into a blank Anathemancer and swing (17). He plays Nettle Sentinel. I swing for 5 (12) and pass. He plays Heritage Druid. I swing for 5 (7) and play Sign in Blood. (16) He plays Nettle Sentinel, and pass. I swing, he blocks Bloodbraid Elf and lets Anathemancer through. I double Jund Charm to pump it to a 6/6 and win.
Game 2 I mulligan to five. He plays 2 Elvish Visionaries and I play Sign in Blood. He plays Elvish Harbinger. I play Putrid Leech, Lightning Bolt the Harbinger, and pass. He plays Jagged-Scar Archers. I swing, and pump (16) and kill the Archers. I play a
Gray Ogre Anathemancer and pass. He plays Bramblewood Paragon. I Lightning Bolt, then Bituminous Blast into Vithian Renegades, coming up with a blank. He plays Coat of Arms and another Paragon. He doesn't swing, and next turn I bolt a 3/3 Visionary, and swing with Vithian Renegades. Paragon blocks. I play Putrid Leech and pass. Next turn I swing (14) and hit (12) and pass. He passes, I EOT Jund Charm Anathemancer. I swing (12, 4), then next turn swing for the win.
I later find out that he's a fairly new player, who was lent Elf Combo by a friend. I give him some tips (mainly to be more aggressive) and move on to Round 2.
Round 2 vs. Esper Jank
Game 1 I mull to 6, and he plays Mistvein Borderpost. Next turn a Fieldmist Borderpost. I play Putrid Leech, and he plays Master of Etherium. I Maelstrom Pulse it, and swing. (18, 16). I pass. He plays two Borderposts. I swing and Jund Charm + pump the Putrid Leech. (16, 10) I Sign in Blood (14) and pass. He plays Etherium Sculptor, I Bloodbraid Elf into Lightning Bolt and earn the concession.
Game 2 He plays Etherium Sculptor. I Bolt it. He plays Esper Charm to draw two. I play Anathemancer for two. (18). He Crystallises it. I pass. He plays Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer. I play Bloodbraid Elf into Lightning Bolt, killing Gwafa, and swing for 3 (15). He plays Levitation. I play Bloodbraid Elf into Maelstrom Pulse, killing Levitation. I swing for 6. (9). He plays Crystallisation on Bloodbraid Elf and Court Homunculus. I swing, and Court Homunculus blocks. I use Jund Charm on Bloodbraid Elf. I play Putrid Leech, and pass.
He plays Mistvein Borderpost and passes. I swing, Etherium Sculptor blocks. I Jund Charm Putrid Leech and pump. (18, 3). He draws and plays Magister Sphinx (18,10). I Anathamancer for 2. He plays Court Homunculus, and swings with the Sphinx. (13, 8). I Bolt Court Homunculus, and swing for the win.
Match 3 vs. R/G Fat Guys
This is a Warp World deck, but with more big R/G creatures and no Warp World. It still has Siege-Gang commander and acceleration though.
I start off with Sign in Blood (18, 20). He plays Farhaven Elf. I play Putrid Leech. He plays Spellbreaker Behemoth. I swing. Farhaven Elf blocks. He swings, and I double Bolt the Behemoth to kill it. I then swing. (16,16) He plays Broodmate Dragon. I EOT Bituminous Blast into a Sign in Blood, then Bituminous Blast on my turn into a Sign in Blood. I swing (10, 12) He plays Bogardan Hellkite and knocks me to 5. (5,12) I use Lightning Bolt and Bituminous Blast into Putrid Leech, and swing without pumping. (5,10). He plays Dragon Broodmother. I Bloodbraid Elf into Anathemancer for 2 (5, 8) and swing. He blocks a Leech with the 1/1 dragon and Bloodbraid Elf with the Broodmother. I Jund Charm so the Elf and Dragon trade. (5, 6) He draws and concedes.
Game 2. This is an incredible game for me, where I play very well and get a generous dollop of luck. He plays Fertile Ground. I play Putrid Leech. He plays Trace of Abundance. I'm stuck on 2, and remark that there are worse hands to be stuck on 2 at as I play my second Leech. I swing. (18, 16). He plays Baneslayer Angel. I play my third land, swing, and then close my eyes and say 'Baneslayer Angel has first strike and lifelink, doesn't it?' He asks if I'm attacking with both, I sigh and say yes. He blocks one, I Jund Charm and pump it to kill Baneslayer Angel! Yes! I pump the other as well. (14, 17). He plays a Cloudthresher. (12, 15) I swing again, with the 4/4 Leech.. (10, 9). Cloudthresher attacks, and I pump my 2/2 and Lightning Bolt the Cloudthresher. (8, 9) He plays Broodmate Dragon.
He has lethal damage on the table. Flying no less. I draw Jund Charm, and grin with confidence. I swing, and he blocks with a Broodmate Dragon. I Jund Charm again (two bluffs!). He swings (4, 9) and plays Siege-Gang Commander. At this point, only Jund Charm can save me and even then Broodmate Dragon'll have me, but I draw Bloodbraid Elf, play it, CASCADE INTO JUND CHARM, wipe out his team, and swing for the win. Prodigious amounts of luck and skill won me that game which I really shouldn't have won, but I guess my bluffing has improved.
I move into the final round.
Round 4 vs. Kithkin.
I bolt his initial Stalwart, and get stuck on 2 land. He plays another Stalwart and Knight of the White Orchid, then plays Forge-Tender and Honor of the Pure next turn. I get crushed.
Game 2 He plays Goldmeadow Stalwart and swings. He plays another Stalwart, then Honor of the Pure next turn and swings. (12) Here I make my mistake. I should Maelstrom Pulse his Honor of the Pure (you know, as I recommend in my OWN PRIMER) but instead I Pulse both his Stalwarts. He plays Spectral Procession, I Jund Charm. He plays Wizened Cenn and Figure of Destiny (3/3's). I play Putrid Leech. He plays more 3/3's and kills me. I die with a Jund Charm in hand.
If I'd Pulsed Honor of the Pure, it might have gone something like this:
I Pulse his Honor of the Pure. He swings for 4 (8) then plays Spectral Procession. I play Jund Charm. He plays Wizened Cenn and Figure of Destiny (both 2/2's). I play Putrid Leech. He plays more 2/2's, and I Jund Charm.
I might not have WON the game, but it was a blunder on my part nonetheless. The only good part about that game is finding out how right I was that Pulsing Honor of the Pure is the right move in this matchup.
I come third, win a few boosters, and head home happy. 3-1's a good result, and now I know for next time. I also found my Sable Stags (2 so far) and Firespouts, so next week I should have a sideboard. I'll keep tweaking the deck for the rotation, and get a fully-powered Jund deck soon enough.
Until next time, may you follow your own advice.